Sunday, April 17, 2011

04.16.2011 - Thinking with Child-like Innocence

Today I've asked for help from some special friends, Gabe - 7, and Abi & Sophia - 4.  I spent the day with them while their parents took their big brothers and some friends skate boarding a few hours away.  We spent a good part of one of our 20-minute car rides talking about the things they're thankful for.  Here's their list:

FAMILY - They keep you company, they're there when you need them, and you can play with them.
My Dad with all his girls, summer 2009
DOGS -  They play catch with us and they're cool.

ELECTRICTY - Without it "we wouldn't have lights or phones or computers or technology or guns or soldiers." - Gabe

FRIENDS - "God made them to play with, so we won't be alone," according to Abi.  "Pretty much the same as family," says Gabe. 

GAMES -  Without them we wouldn't have fun.

TREES - "They give you oxygen, paper, and you can climb them.  They're cool." - Gabe

I can't give you pictures for these, but Abi also is thankful for GOD because he made the whole world, he made us and without Him we wouldn't have anyone to worship.  We also wouldn't have anyone to call on when we were in trouble. 

Gabe is thankful for IMPORTANT PEOPLE.  When I asked him to describe this a little more he said, "Martin Luther King, Jr., our president, and spacemen." 

Yup.  Spacemen.  I thought that was cute. 

When I asked him why these people were important, he said that, "They help our country run, and they give us our rights and responsibilities."

Hope you enjoyed our guest contributors today!

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