Tuesday, April 19, 2011

04.19.2011 - Survivors' Courage

I am thankful for those who have withstood untold tragedy and have come out from it with the courage to shout their stories from the rooftops. 

I am especially thankful not only for those scribes, but for those whose life's work is to educate future generations and to encourage them to never remain silent.

Monday, April 18, 2011

04.18.2011 - Bold, Smooth Coffee

I really can't remember coffee before Starbucks, and they've really out done themselves with this blend of beans from Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Sumatra and Columbia.  It makes drinking something like Maxwell House akin to drinking paint thinner.  Someday something actually important will come along to give me a reason to get up every morning, but for now this will definitely do.

04.17.2011 - Thoughtful Neighbors

When I moved in January, my new, very close neighbor, would leave his outdoor floodlights on every night.  All night.  It kind of bothered me, but then I figured I really didn't have any right being bothered.  After all, if I didn't like all that light, I could always buy blackout curtains.

Then spring showed up one day.  And for the first time, I slept with my window open, my noisy, loud fan sucking in all that wonderfully cool air.  That lasted about two nights because then pollen season started.

But in the last couple of weeks, I've noticed that the mega-watt floodlight isn't left on anymore.  It could be because they got their electricity bill.  Or it could be because the bulb burned out and they procrastinate as well as I do.  Or it could be that they heard my jet-engine fan one of the mornings my windows were open, realized they were lighting up my entire room every night, decided to take pity on me and turned it off.  That's what I'd like to think, anyway.  In any case, I'm thankful that I don't have enough light from my neighbors yard every night to read a book by.
My blissfully dark window, and subsequent shine-free wall. 
Piano, fan and scarf-covered lamp thrown in for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

04.16.2011 - Thinking with Child-like Innocence

Today I've asked for help from some special friends, Gabe - 7, and Abi & Sophia - 4.  I spent the day with them while their parents took their big brothers and some friends skate boarding a few hours away.  We spent a good part of one of our 20-minute car rides talking about the things they're thankful for.  Here's their list:

FAMILY - They keep you company, they're there when you need them, and you can play with them.
My Dad with all his girls, summer 2009
DOGS -  They play catch with us and they're cool.

ELECTRICTY - Without it "we wouldn't have lights or phones or computers or technology or guns or soldiers." - Gabe

FRIENDS - "God made them to play with, so we won't be alone," according to Abi.  "Pretty much the same as family," says Gabe. 

GAMES -  Without them we wouldn't have fun.

TREES - "They give you oxygen, paper, and you can climb them.  They're cool." - Gabe

I can't give you pictures for these, but Abi also is thankful for GOD because he made the whole world, he made us and without Him we wouldn't have anyone to worship.  We also wouldn't have anyone to call on when we were in trouble. 

Gabe is thankful for IMPORTANT PEOPLE.  When I asked him to describe this a little more he said, "Martin Luther King, Jr., our president, and spacemen." 

Yup.  Spacemen.  I thought that was cute. 

When I asked him why these people were important, he said that, "They help our country run, and they give us our rights and responsibilities."

Hope you enjoyed our guest contributors today!

Friday, April 15, 2011

04.15.2011 - Silliness!

Today I am thankful for the silly moments in life.  Most of them are attributable to the children I surround myself with (such as Ethan pictured above).

Sophia insisted that I take a picture of her in this pose, pretending she was about to lick the birthday pumpkin pie.
 Some silly moments don't involve children at all.  In all likelihood these moments are fueled by little sleep supported with lots of caffeine and adrenaline.
Sometimes a rock wall just begs to be climbed simply because it's there and you have nothing else to do.  It gave my co-workers quite the laugh.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

04.14.2011 - Nephews and Nieces

Although it has been my lifelong dream to be married with my own family, God has not seen fit to grant me my own (yet). So today, I am thankful for what he has blessed me with- my sisters' children. Today I celebrate in spirit my niece Kyra's third birthday, and in person my nephew Noah's 15th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIDS!

This is me and Noah, (who made me promise not to tag him if I posted it on FB, ha!).

04.13.2011 - Special Co-Workers

I am so thankful for all of my co-workers, but especially Rachel. She is always willing to help me out at a moment's notice, be the designated driver when we go to lunch, help look for the positive when I'm not feeling it so much, and most of all, she is willing to put up with me (and all my crazy skype links to blogs and articles I find so interesting). On top of all of that, she is a sweet, sweet spirit, passionate for truth and justice, and has incredible fashion sense.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

04.12.2011 - A Heart of Generosity

Today I am thankful for the sweet spirit of my four-year old niece Sophia. She is always finding reasons to give things away, and tonight she pulled the Easter Egg she colored out of a drawer to give to me.